World Book Day 1st March 2018
On Thursday 1st of March, children and staff at Rosehill will celebrate World Book Day. Children will explore a wide range of activities: they will engage with “The dragon machine” story following a range of book related activities such as music, drama, arts and crafts and dragon machine making. They will follow dragon trail around school and will have access to library sessions to explore a variety of books and sensory stories.
There will be dressing up competitions and department based activities.
World Book Day is annual event which has been widely celebrated since 2014 and is very popular among staff and pupils.
The feedback from previous years has been always very positive, e.g. “What a fabulous day! The children had such a wonderful time enjoying the exciting reading activities and sensory experiences in the hall. Well done everyone, for another successful event.”
“It was a special day for all of us and it helped staff to inspire children’s love to reading and stories. It was great to see children engaged, well behaved, reciting the stories and exploring sensory props”.
The letter about World Book Day will be sent to parents after half-term.
Tamara Riddell
English Lead