Physical Education and Sensory Regulation
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PE Sports Week Introduction
Emma our sports coach and her assistant Adam have put together some PE challenges you can do at home.
Please take part and send in any photos or videos of you doing the challenges to the following email address!
Warm Up
Challenge 1 - Long Jump
Items you will need:
Line to jump from
Tape Measure to measure distance
Challenge 2 - Ball Throwing into Bucket
Items you will need:
Balls or similar to throw
Bucket or similar to throw balls into
Challenge 3 - Running Laps
Items you will need:
Stopwatch or other way to time (mobile phone)
Cones or other objects to set out a circular course to run around
Challenge 4 - Ball and Spoon
Items you will need:
Stopwatch or other way to time (mobile phone)
Balls, bean bags or similar item such as a potato or boiled egg
A spoon or ladle to carry the objects
Cones or other object to mark a start and finish point
Challenge 5 - Sack Race
Items you will need
Stopwatch or other way to time (mobile phone)
A sack or bag e.g. from Ikea
Cones or other objects to mark a start and finish point
Challenge 6 - Obstacle Course
Items you will need:
Stopwatch or other way to time (mobile phone)
Hoops, cones or other items to set out an obstacle course
Challenge 7 - Speed Bounce
Items you will need:
Stopwatch or other way to time (mobile phone)