Gold Awards & Attendance Awards 2018 - 2019
Gold Awards & Attendance Awards 2018 - 2019
5th July 2019 - This weeks Gold Award winners are Sammy and Mrs Edmeades. Well done Sammy for fantastic involvement in sports day, we are very proud of you. Well done Mrs Edmeades for all your hard work in organising and moderating the Princes Trust accredited learning award.
28th June 2019 - This weeks Gold Award winners are Zayd and Mrs Brewster. Well done Zayd for being a good role model at school, we are very proud of you. Well done Mrs Brewster for all your help with the school choir.
21st June 2019 - This weeks Gold Award winners are Yousif, Kara and Miss Wrathall. Well done Yousif for being a fantastic helper at school, we are very proud of you. Well done Kara for becoming more independent at school, we are very proud of you.
14th June 2019 - This weeks Gold Award winners are the whole school choir and Mrs Harris. Well done to the choir for your wonderful singing, we are very proud of all of you. Mrs Harris, well done for leading the wonderful Rosehill School Choir.
7th June 2019 - This weeks Gold Award winners are Riakgol and Ms Arthur. Well done Riakgol for lovely interaction with friends, we are very proud of you. Ms Arthur, well done for your hard work and support with the new curriculum plans.
25th May 2019 - This weeks Gold Award winners are Umar and Mrs Smyth. Well done Umar for brilliant drumming during Cultural Diversity Day, we are very proud of you. Mrs Smyth, well done for your excellent work with families supporting access to other services.
17th May 2019 - This weeks Gold Award winners are Che and Miss Walsh. Well done Che for excellent listening and taking part in your work at school, we are very proud of you. Miss Walsh, well done for maintaining high standards in health and safety at work.
10th May 2019 - This weeks Gold Award winners are Osa and Mrs Ingleton. Well done Osa for being a good role model during fire practice, we are very proud of you. Mrs Ingleton, well done for performing excellent fire warden duties during fire practice.
3rd May 2019 - This weeks Gold Award winners are Oscar, Miss Hillyer and Miss White. Well done Oscar for welcoming visitors to the school and being a good role model, we are very proud of you. Miss Hillyer and Miss White, thank you for your hard work in managing and organising the PE resources.
5th April 2019 - This weeks Gold Award winners are Krishan and Holly. Well done Krishan for working hard in his PE lesson, and Well done to Holly for saying new words during her science work, we are very proud of you both.
29th March 2019 - This weeks Gold Award winners are the Post-16 Café Employees and Mr Singh. Well done café team for providing excellent customer service, we are very proud of you. Mr Singh, thank you for promoting engagement in learning and boosting children's confidence.
22nd March 2019 - This weeks Gold Award winners are Kyle and Mrs Clarke. Well done Kyle for your excellent career at Rosehill School, we are very proud of you. Mrs Clarke, thank you for excellent work developing the school library.
15th March 2019 - This weeks Gold Award winner is Natalia. Well done Natalia for excellent swimming, we are very proud of you.
8th March 2019 - This weeks Gold Award winner is Mrs Lynch. Well done Mrs Lynch for the fabulous organisation of Maths Week.
1st March 2019 - This weeks Gold Award winners are Tyrell and Mrs Shell. Well done Tyrell, we are very proud of you. Mrs Shell, thank you for providing excellent support to another local special school.
15th February 2019 - This weeks Gold Award winners are Zalan and Mrs Riddell. Well done Zalan for excellent reading and writing, we are very proud of you. Mrs Riddell, thank you for excellent career education work.
8th February 2019 - This weeks Gold Award winners are Scarlett and Ms Hastings. Well done Scarlett for joining in wake and shake, we are very proud of you. Ms Hastings, thank you for outstanding work with a pupil.
1st February 2019 - This weeks Gold Award winners are Kian and Mrs Robinson. Well done Kian for being brave at school, we are very proud of you. Mrs Robinson, thank you for all your hard work in organising the MILE sensory resources.
25th January 2019 - This weeks Gold Award winners are Je-Michi and Miss Tomlinson. Well done Je-Michi for using his communication cards and symbols at school, we are very proud of you.
Miss Tomlinson, well done for receiving special recognition for organising excellent PSHE lessons about 'Consent' and 'Keeping Safe'.
18th January 2019 - This weeks Gold Book Award goes to Tobias, for being an excellent role model and representing Rosehill School superbly when out in the local community - well done Tobias, we are very proud of you
11th January 2019 - This weeks Gold Book Award goes to Jabbar, for his excellent behaviour at school - well done Jabbar we are very proud of you.
Also, this week a second Gold Award goes to Miss Banks for her 30 years of service to the school - the school community would like to pay tribute to Miss Banks for her commitment to the school
Class Attendance Awards - Autumn Term 2018
Well done to Class 7 who has won first place in the class attendance award with 98.1% - this is a fantastic achievement, keep up the good work.
14th December 2018 - This weeks Gold Book Award winners are Jake and Jody. Well done to Jake for his excellent musical talent. Jody we are very proud of the way you have started to access other learning opportunities in school, well done
7th December 2018 - This weeks Gold Award winner is Anthony. Well done Anthony you have been making new friends and trying hard with your writing at school.
30th November 2018 - This week there were 3 Gold Awards presented. Firstly, well done to Riyaan for taking part in games at playtime and playing with your friends nicely. You are a good role model at school.
Next, well done to class 7 for represent the school superbly when out in the local community.
Finally, well done to Miss Davies for receiving special recognition from parents for her excellent support during parent workshops.
23rd November 2018 - This weeks Gold Award winner is Emily. Well done Emily for doing super work at school, we are very proud of you.
16th November 2018 - This weeks Gold Award winner is Aiden. Well done Aiden for inspiring your friends and your teachers with your amazing art work.
9th November 2018 - This weeks Gold Award winner is Abeer. Well done Abeer for trying hard with your writing at school and completing some lovely work in class.
19th October 2018 - This weeks Gold Award winner is Alan Well done Alan you have been completing some lovely work in class and you are always happy at school
12th October 2018 - This weeks Gold Award winner is Joshua, who has been singing beautifully in his class. Well done Joshua, we are very proud of you, we are now hoping you will join our school choir Joshua!
5th October 2018 - This weeks Gold Award winner is Marcus. Well done Marcus, you have been doing some excellent work in school this half term.
28th Sept 2018 - This weeks Gold Award winner is Vicky Well done Vicky, you have joined the Student Council and you are looking forward to supporting your friends at school. We look forward to having you on board with the new council members this year
21st Sept 2018 - This weeks Gold Award winner is Haydn. Well done Haydn for settling well into your new class and for very sensible behaviour at Ashby Fair. We are very proud of you!
14th Sept 2018 - This weeks Gold Award winner is Alexander. Well done Alexander for doing really well in your new class. We are very proud of you
7th Sept 2018 - This weeks Gold Award winner is Collins. An extra special well done to Collins as he is the first winner of the new school year and he has been a fantastic role model at school. We are very proud of you Collins.