Nottingham Schools Trust (NST)
In 2017 a group of Nottingham schools including Rosehill School joined forces to establish the Nottingham Schools Trust – a collaborative partnership focusing on improving education for the children of Nottingham.
The trust is a company limited by guarantee run by a Board of Directors and an appointed Chief Executive Officer (CEO), and every school that joins the trust will contribute to and benefit from a unique school improvement offer. In a time of rapidly evolving government policy, the trust offers a unique opportunity to bring together all types of schools including maintained primary, special schools and standalone academies.
Our priority is to provide sustainable school to school support to all of the member schools within the trust and we take full advantage of the breadth and expertise that already exist in our member schools.
Our guiding principles are to challenge, support and improve our member schools and academies to ensure that all our children succeed. Over time we also intend to establish a system that delivers efficiency, effectiveness and growing economies of scale so that maximum resource is reinvested directly into classroom practice.
Every school, as a member, has a voice in the decision-making process, through the Trust’s open and transparent governance. Moreover, the Trust values the diversity which exists in our schools and actively encourages each school joining the Trust to maintain and further develop its own distinctive culture and identity
For more information please visit the Nottingham Schools Trust website; Nottingham Schools Trust – "Run by schools, for schools"