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Welcome To

Rosehill School

"Caring about learning, learning about caring"

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Key Information

Key information listed below:

  • Times of the School day
  • Term dates 
  • School meals and dinner menus
  • Healthy eating - snacks and free school milk
  • Allergies 
  • School uniform
  • Policies 
  • Parent views 
  • Annual reviews of Educational Health Care Plans
  • Parental Engagement Calendar

Times of the School Day

Our school building opens at 7am and closes at 6pm.


Our telephone system is 24 hours for messages but opens at 8.00am and closes at 4.00pm for a direct line to reception.


The school is open to pupils from 8.50am – 3.30pm. The children and young people can spend a total of 33 hours and 20 minutes in school each week.


As a special school, where 68% of pupils arrive by transport on a staggered arrival and departure schedule, the average time children and young people spend in school each week, is 31 hours and 15 minutes.


This has been arranged with Nottingham City Local Authority as the majority of pupils are escorted to and from the school by contracted transport. Not all pupils are eligible for Local authority transport (eligibility is decided by the Local Authority).


If you have any questions regarding times of the school day, please contact our school office on 0115 9155815.

School Assemblies

Whole school assemblies occur at the end of each term or where there is a specific celebration or whole school activity happening. Sometimes the focus may be achievement, or it may be a special visitor to school


Each department has a weekly assembly:

Friday 13:20 (Primary)

Tuesday 13:45 (Middle)

Friday 14:00 (Upper)

For more information regarding assemblies at Rosehill please see our assemblies page below

Term Dates

Please follow this link for information regarding important events within the school calendar, such as term dates, parents evening, sports days etc.


The term date calendar can be found below.

School Meals

At lunchtime, pupils have the choice to either bring a packed lunch to school or take advantage of a healthy school meal freshly prepared by our own catering staff on the school premises. We are able to cater for all dietary needs.


All children in Key Stage 1 (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) are entitled to Universal Free School Meals.


Some children may also be eligible for Free School Meals which will entitle the school to receive Pupil Premium funding.


The school promotes healthy eating and asks parents and carers to provide packed lunches that include items from the 5 main food groups:


1. Bread, Rice, Potatoes, Pasta. These starchy foods are a healthy source of energy. Packed lunches should include 2 or more portions e.g., pasta salad, sandwich.


2. Fruit and Vegetables. These foods provide vitamins, minerals and fibre. Lunches should include at least 1 portion of fruit and 1 portion of vegetables / salad, or more e.g., carrot/cucumber sticks, cherry tomatoes, a piece of fruit.


3. Milk and Dairy foods. These foods provide calcium for healthy bones and teeth. Include 1 portion at lunch e.g., yoghurt, fromage frais, milk.


4. Meat, Fish, Eggs, Beans. These foods provide protein for growth. Packed lunches should include 1 portion of these foods e.g., boiled egg as filling in sandwich, mixed bean salad.


5. Drinks – any drinks provided in lunch boxes should only include either plain water, milk (semi-skimmed), unsweetened fresh fruit juice, diluted fresh fruit juice, fruit or dairy based smoothies.


At Rosehill, we understand that the children and young people attending the school can face barriers to eating a balanced diet, and overcoming eating challenges can be difficult. We encourage parents and carers to contact the school to discuss their child's eating/drinking needs and preferences. 

Free School Meals

If you receive certain benefits, you can receive Free School Meals. Check your eligibility here: https://www.gov.uk/apply-free-school-meals


A reminder about school dinner prices:


  • School meals are free for children in reception, Year 1 and Year 2
  • Year 3 to Year 14 - £2.70 per dinner, £13.50 per week


There will continue to be an emphasis on healthy eating. Please contact the school office on 0115 9155815 if you require further information regarding an application for free school meals. 

Free School Meals Poster


As a school community we have a number of people who suffer from allergic reactions to everyday items, both adults and children, and have systems in
make sure these people are kept safe in school.  Around 7% of children in the UK have some form of food allergy.  On this page we have information on allergies for parents and carers to help keep our whole school community informed and help us to fully include those affected into school life.

Any children in our school affected will have a detailed care plan which will be made available to staff as appropriate, we operate a lanyard system at
lunchtimes which means all lunchtime staff in the dining hall can instantly recognise any specific dietary requirements.  We are a 'nut free' school and have a detailed policy regarding this. In addition key staff receive regular EPI pen training.



The kids with food allergies site has some great information too. Click here.

Healthy Eating Resources


Most classes have a mid-morning break and pupils are offered a drink and a small healthy snack.


We participate in the ‘Free Fruit for Schools’ initiative which provides a healthy snack for children in Reception to Year 2.

Free School Milk 

Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to free school milk. This is offered in school at snack times. School milk provides your child with essential nutrients such as calcium and protein, for strong, healthy teeth and bones. It is also rehydrating and energy boosting, helping to bridge the long gap between breakfast and lunch so children stay focused.

School Uniform 

All learners are encouraged to wear Rosehill School uniform which consists of a green sweatshirt or cardigan with the Rosehill School logo, a white or green polo shirt and  black trousers, skirt or pinafore. 


Although school uniform is not compulsory, we encourage all our families consider school uniform, which promotes our school values. 


We understand that wearing school uniform can be difficult for some children, so we are flexible to everyone's individual differences.  If your child is unable to wear our school uniform, we encourage our families to ensure their child is dressed in clothes that promote independence. Please contact us if you have any concerns.


Rosehill School’s uniform provider is School Wear Solutions. Uniform can be purchased directly from them or through the school.


If you wish you can also purchase polo shirts and sweatshirts from other local sources like Asda, Sainsburys, and purchase Rosehill School logo badges directly from the school at a cost of £3.00 each.



School Wear Solutions


116-118 Bramcote Avenue, Chilwell Nottingham NG9 4DR

Telephone number 01159 258046.


Directly from the school


Telephone number 0115 9155815

Email: admin@rosehill.nottingham.sch.uk



Polo shirts






£10 each






£9.50 each

Sizes: (adult)




X-XL Large

£13 each




£15 each

Sizes: (adult)




£10.50 each

School Uniform Policy

Please follow this link to to our uniform policy for further information about the measures the school has taken to ensure a consistent, fair and inclusive approach to uniform, that reflects the needs of the pupils and is affordable and best values for money for pupils' families and the school. 

Parent View

Parent view gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think about your child’s school, from the quality of teaching to dealing with behaviour. The survey can be completed at any time; you don’t have to wait until the school is being inspected.


Click the link below to access the Parent View Page on the Ofsted Website and follow the instructions.


Ofsted Parent View

Annual Reviews of Educational Health Care Plans

Every child will also have an annual review of their Education, Health and Care Plan’. This is in line with The Code of Practice for SEN 2015.


For children and young people who live in Nottingham City, please follow the link below which will take you to Ask Lion, where you can view further information regarding the process, related advice and additional contacts. 



For children and young people who live in Nottinghamshire County, please follow the link below which will take you to the Nottinghamshire Education, Health and Care Hub, where you can view further information regarding the process, related advice and additional contacts. 



For more information please contact your teacher of Phase Leader.

Home School Agreement

Parental Engagement Calendar

Explore Our

Upper School

More Information