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Speech and Language Therapy (SALT)

Speech and Language Therapy Overview


Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) are a NHS provided service which supports children with their communication and eating and drinking needs.


The overall SALT goals within Rosehill School are:


  • Introduce and support functional means of communication for children on NHS caseload
  • Increase reasons and opportunities for communication for children and young people within Rosehill School
  • Support staff to facilitate and embed appropriate communication strategies within the classroom
  • Increase opportunities for regular liaison with the SALT Team for all teaching staff


The aims within Rosehill School are:


  • To provide timely communication/eating and drinking intervention for children and young people as and when it is most needed
  • To provide clear communication/eating and drinking targets for children and young people in liaison with staff and families
  • To increase staff autonomy in supporting communication/eating and drinking needs


The SALT Team aims to support classes to utilise the "Total Communication Approach" for all children and young people. This includes the use of signs, symbols, photographs, visual timetables, appropriate spoken language modelling, increased opportunities for communication and lots more. A Total Communication environment embeds all these methods to allow and support opportunities for communication for every child/ young person.


As a service they offer whole-school training sessions to teaching staff for a variety of approaches including; Communication Partner Training, Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), Positive Communication Strategies, Means Reasons and Opportunities for Communication. They also provide support to parents of children and young people with a NHS referral through written reports, contributions to Education Health Care Plans (EHCPs) and providing resources. Furthermore, they are also able to deliver telephone calls, video calls and home visits where necessary.

For further information about our Communication Curriculum please contact:

Ellie Parkin: E.Parkin@rosehill.nottingham.sch.uk

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