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Rosehill School


Governors Impact Statement 2023/2024


The governing body at Rosehill School works to meet the requirement set nationally by government for governing bodies. The role is a fundamental part of the leadership of the school and as such we aim to make our school the very best it can be for the benefit of all of our pupils. We constantly strive to raise standards in accordance with Rosehill’s vision statement;


“It is our vision to provide a specialist provision that enables every learner to achieve the best possible outcomes in learning, social and emotional wellbeing, in order to fulfil their true potential and participate fully in society.


Children, young people and their families will have a voice, be listened to, included and empowered, and have access to the right support at the right time from the right people”.


The government requires the governing body to be a dynamic group of highly skilled individuals who focus on supporting the Headteacher and all the staff to shape the strategic direction of the school.


We focus on three core functions:


  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding the Headteacher and senior leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure the money is spent well.


In this statement we aim to outline some of the impact we have on the school through our role of challenge and support.


Rosehill was last inspected by Ofsted on 10 and 11 October 2023 and we received a very positive appraisal, highlighting the School as being Outstanding. You can find further information regarding our latest Ofsted Inspection, by following this link.  https://www.therosehillschool.com/ofsted/   


The report praised the polite and friendly pupils, who treat each other respectfully, and all adults in school who strive to enable pupils to develop the knowledge and skills that will help them to be as independent as possible as they go into adulthood. It also said stated that Governors offer leaders support and challenge in equal measure.


Governance Structure

The Governing Body of Rosehill School is made up of:-

Mrs C Steele - Headteacher


Mrs S Harris - Staff Governor



With experience and skills in:-

Miss N Kenneison – Chair of Governors 

Education, Performance Management and KPIs, Operations and Human Resources and  SEND/Inclusion

Mr K Forder - Vice Chair of Governors

Education and Finance

Miss A Corey

Project Management, Buildings and Property, Education

Mrs R Hyder

Education, SEND, Safeguarding & School improvement

Mrs L King                                                                    

SEND and community inclusion

Mrs V Oliver                                                                

Education and SEND

Mr P Routledge                                                         

Education and SEND

Miss L Gretton 


Individual Governor Responsibilities

As well as sitting on committees, Governors have a number of individual responsibilities. Wherever possible linked to our own skills and expertise.


Structure of the Governing Board

Link Responsibility

Link Governor

SLT/ Subject Leader/ staff responsible


Health and Safety

Leadership and Management

Natalie Kenneison (Chair)

Elizabeth Eyre (SBM)

Jay Rathore (SM)

Cheryl Steele (HT)

Behaviour and Attitudes


Paul Routledge

Tamara Riddell (Acting DHT)/Adele Harvey (DHT)




Pupil Premium (LAC)

Rebecca Hyder

Charlotte Turner (Lead DSL)/ Cheryl Steele (HT)

Adele Harvey (SENCO)

Jo Ritchie Acting (Acting AHT)

Equality & Diversity

Staff Workload/ Mental Health

Pupil Voice

Sharon Harris

Cheryl Steele (HT)

Adele Harvey (DHT)/Tamara Riddell (Acting DHT)

Katie Tomlinson (PL)

Quality of Education - Curriculum**


Teaching & Learning Standards

Catch Up Plans/ Sports Premium

Assessment and Progress

Val Oliver

Jo Ritchie (Acting AHT)

Hannah Scarf (Acting PL)

Tamara Riddell (Acting DHT)/Adele Harvey (DHT)

Jo Ritchie (Acting AHT)

Katie Tomlinson (PL)

Staff Development/ Training & CPD


Cheryl Steele

Tamara Riddell (Acting DHT)
Adele Harvey (DHT)

Sixth Form/ Qualifications



Tamara Riddell (Acting DHT)

Jo Ritchie (Acting AHT)




Personal Development

Kai Forder

Elizabeth Eyre (SBM)

Cheryl Steele (HT)

Matt Putt (IT)/ Caroline Watson (Computing Lead)

Jo Ritchie (Acting AHT)

Community & Wider Engagement

Lindsey King

Tamara Riddell (Acting DHT)





Rebecca Hyder

Attendance Champion)

Looked After Children

Rebecca Hyder

Tamara Riddell (Acting DHT)

ESafety/ Filtering and Monitoring

Rebecca Hyder

Charlotte Turner (Lead DSL)/ Cheryl Steele (HT)/ Caroline Watson (E-Safety Lead)/ Matt Putt (IT)


**T&L - Subjects have been split across the Governors to provide depth of scrutiny

Communication, Speech, Language & Literacy


Val Oliver


Ellie Holmes (T)

English/ Phonics


Tamara Riddell (Acting DHT)/ Joanne Ritchie (Acting AHT)

Modern Foreign Languages

Bethan Hemm (T)

Problem Solving, Maths, Science & Technology



Kia Forder



Paul Routledge

Adele Harvey (DHT)/Katie Stevenson (T)


Ian Wolstenholme (T)

Design Technology

Shona King (T)

Computing/ E-Safety

Caroline Watson (T)

Creative Arts



Lindsay King

Sarah Bailey (T)


Joel Rusiecki (T)

Personal Development, Health & Emotional Wellbeing


Rebecca Hyder

Katie Tomlinson (PL)

PE/ Swimming

Emma White (SC)

Cultural Capital & Diversity


Natalie Kenneison

Bethan Hemm (T)


Amy Davies (T)

Educational Visits

Cheryl Steele (HT)

Post 16



Rachael Smyth (T)


Joanne Ritchie (Acting AHT)



Whenever possible, governors will try to visit school to discuss relevant areas. If this is not possible reports are then sent to the governors and questioned via email, virtual meetings or phone calls.


Impact of full Governing Body Meetings

Governors attend two full governing body meetings each term. In addition, there is a finance committee that meets regularly to scrutinise financial matters and report back to the governors. Each governor is linked to one of the four self-evaluation areas and the school development plan and have individual meetings about their areas termly.


Before individual governor meetings take place, each governor meets with the appropriate member of staff to find out more details about their area of responsibility. A report is then written and presented at the next full governing body meeting. The impact of this is that governors are well informed, can ask important questions and can therefore hold leaders to account for standards in their area effectively. Evidence of this can be found in governing body minutes.


At least three of the full governing body meetings Governors also receive a report from the Headteacher on all aspects of the running of the school, including Safeguarding, quality of teaching and learning, attendance, behaviour and safety. Governors discuss this report and ask questions of the Headteacher thereby improving their knowledge and understanding of the school. It is also an opportunity to challenge the Headteacher and to question aspects of the school’s performance. At these meetings we also review the School Improvement Plan, School Financial Value Standards, Self-Evaluation Form and policies.


Impact of Support and Challenge Meetings and Monitoring

The key focus of these meetings is to take time to monitor the quality of the school’s self-evaluation (SEF) and also monitor the implementation of the school development plan (SDP).  Governors report back findings to full governing body meetings. The impact of these meetings and monitoring of standards ensured a sharp focus on the SDP and SEF as well as on the pace of improvements in school. It also ensures that the focus is on the right priorities for the school at this stage in its development.


The Governor with responsibility for teaching and learning and standards, is tasked with following our pupils’ progress and assessment using data provided by the SLT from internal and external tracking systems. Allowing us to track all groups of children within school and against similar schools nationally. However, each Governor is also assigned at least one subject to meet with subject lead twice a year to ensure that all Governors have an understanding of the quality of teaching of learning across the school.


For maximum progress to be made it is important that we look closely at all curriculum areas, interventions, children in receipt of pupil premium, the outcomes of sports premium/recovery grants and safeguarding including personal development, behaviour and attitudes, attendance, e-safety/filtering and monitoring and the prevent strategy.


Governors have received training on the curriculum, assessment, the Arts, Sixth Form, KCSIE and Safeguarding, and have been taken through both internal and external data and reports by the SLT. There is a high level of competency in data analysis in the school leadership team. Governors ensure that they ask the school about the comparative progress and attainment of different groups including those targeted by the pupil premium grant and the different ethnicity, gender, and ability groups. They ensure that the pupil premium grant is used to have an impact on the outcome of disadvantaged pupils. Governors receive information regarding the use of Sports Premium Funding and the impact this has on the development of PE across the school.


For the academic year 2022/23, the Governors also received additional information regarding the school’s strategy for providing additional intervention support through the Recovery Grant. The impact of Primary PE Grant plans during the last academic year, along with pupil premium plans for 2023/24 have been shared.


Governors have a wide range of skills in many education areas within mainstream and special educational needs settings and we encourage inclusiveness of all pupils.


Impact of Budget Scrutiny

In the Finance committee we are tasked with ensuring that all monies allocated to all areas are accounted for and spent accordingly.


The key elements of termly business are discussed and governors hold the headteacher to account for the financial performance of the school and approve the draft and final school budgets. Governors also receive an in-depth Pupil Premium Grant Allocation/Provision and Impact report which helps us to assess whether this funding is being spent correctly supporting the highest possible outcomes for these children. We also scrutinise the effect of pupil numbers on the budget.


In this meeting, we also look at building maintenance, building improvement and the health and safety audit. This ensures that our pupils and staff reside in an enabling environment conducive with learning while also providing a feeling of security and wellbeing.


The governing body is competent in financial management.


The governors bring a wide range of expertise to the school and this helps to ensure that budgets are monitored effectively and improvements are effective and continuous. The impact of the governors’ role in the school ensures that the budget is managed effectively and the school is continually moving forward.

The school budget is further scrutinised and reviewed in detail at the full governing body meetings. Governors review end of year budgets, attend pre-budget meetings and question deficit/surplus balances.

The impact of this is that governors agree and approve the school budget and ensure that finances are used efficiently and effectively across school. In addition, the governors ensure the Headteacher and school business manager are reporting the impact of best value for money systems.


This committee also monitors staff absence, staff well-being and the school staffing structure.


Additional committees linked to resources and finance are:

SFVS Panel, the Pay Committee and the Headteacher’s Performance Management Committee.


Governor Attendance

All Committees and Panels are well attended ensuring that all governors are well aware of the school’s strengths and weaknesses and the best ways forward.  We consider ourselves a pro-active not a re-active governing body.


Strategic Direction and School Development Plan

Setting the strategic direction of the school is a vital role of governors. They support the Headteacher and senior leadership team in setting the school’s priorities and strategic direction.


Governors continually monitor the School Development Plan (SDP). They receive reports from the Headteacher relating to the SDP and monitor the progress towards achieving targets and goals.


Governors receive reports on the progress of each area of the SDP throughout the year. We then receive an in-depth end of year evaluation detailing the progression, the methods used, pupil outcomes, the timescale in which it was actioned, resources used to enable the progress, the success criteria and how and who it was monitored by.


This information along with questioning and analysis of data helps to set the SDP for the following year.


The SDP 2023/24

Governors have reviewed the revised SDP following the Ofsted Inspection in October 2023, and its key areas for improvement across the school.


The SDP can be found at the following link Click Here



Governors review all relevant policies, during the relevant committee meetings, on a programmed basis to ensure that they meet the statutory requirements and that all guidance is relevant and up to date. Specific attention is paid to ensure that the school complies with the Department of Education mandatory policy list and the Local Authority recommended list.


Impact of Training

All members of the governing body have and continue to receive training. The impact of this is that the governing body are kept abreast of their responsibilities regarding the latest requirements and expectations. Learning and actions from this training are shared at full governing body meetings and this has helped to inform the work of governors. Recent training has included:


  • Safeguarding
  • Support and challenge
  • Effective monitoring
  • The role of the governor
  • Staff wellbeing and workload
  • Quality of curriculum
  • Careers Education
  • Therapeutic support and interventions
  • Governor induction
  • Essential knowledge for effective governance
  • Health and safety.


Headteacher Appraisal

The governing body carries out Headteacher appraisal annually and ensures this is in line with national requirements. Governors have undertaken Headteacher appraisal training and with expert assistance from an education adviser, the appraisal is carried out. This process allows us to look closely at the performance of the Headteacher, have discussions about areas of strength and if necessary, those for development. New targets are set against criteria which the Headteachers’ performance will be evaluated. The impact of this is that governors have good understanding of the Headteacher’s performance as measured against the National Standards of Excellence for Head Teachers.


Other Impact Across the School

As governors we celebrate the fantastic work around school and provide challenge and support in areas that can improve and monitor progress in all areas.


  • Safeguarding. Governors have completed “safeguarding” training, including regarding the updated KCSIE 2023.
  • Link governors have specific responsibility for specific areas of interest within school. Each governor conducts a monitoring visit to review their area and produced a report which has been shared with the full governing body. This makes sure that governors have good details on which to make important decisions and can also raise important questions about standards where necessary.
  • Governors attended the Ofsted Inspection to demonstrate insight into the strengths and weaknesses of the school, the effective challenge of the Governing Body and the overview of Governance.
  • Governors attended a ‘Governor Day’ in school which enabled the Governors to undertake thorough and in depth understanding as to the implementation of particular subjects, understand the strategies in place for workplace wellbeing, undertake a learning walk with other Governors and speak to staff.
  • Governors have attended school events and celebrations.
  • Progress and attainment. Governors have been able to develop clear understanding of the rates of progress and attainment of pupils in school through information provided by school leaders. The impact of this is that governors are aware of how well pupils are achieving and where there are issues, challenging questions can be asked to ensure that any identified problems are addressed in a timely manner. This ensures that all pupils make good progress.
  • Governor join the senior leadership team on at least a termly basis to look at pupils’ work. The impact of this is that best practice examples are identified and senior leaders shared this with staff more widely across school and this subsequently raised expectations.
  • Governors continue to monitor policies throughout the year including safeguarding policies. The impact is that all policies are kept up to date, parents and staff are very well informed about expectations and it also ensures compliance with statutory duties.


This impact statement was reviewed at the Full Governing Body Meetings on 19th October 2023 and 11th December 2023.

Meet The Governors of Rosehill School 2023/2024


The Governing body is constituted as follows:


  • Headteacher
  • 1 Local Authority Governor
  • 1 Staff Governor
  • 2 Parent Governors
  • 5 Co-opted Governors
  • 1 Associate Governor


Individual Governors have areas of responsibility such as Leadership and Management, Safeguarding, Finance, Health & Safety, GDPR, Premises Development and Governor Training.


Dates for meetings (31.08.2023 - 28.08.2024)


  • 2nd July 2024 - Full Governors Meeting
  • 24th April 2024 - Full Governors Meeting
  • 7th February 2024 - Full Governors Meeting
  • 11th October 2023 - Full Governors Meeting


Finance committee - Natalie Kenneison (Chair), Kai Forder, April Corey, Cheryl Steele.  Also in attendance Elizabeth Eyre (School Business Manager) who does not have voting rights.


Pay committee – Chair to be confirmed at Governor meeting 11.10.2023, plus 2 non staff members of the governing body.


Pay appeal committee – Natalie Kenneison (Chair), plus two non staff governors.


Pupil discipline committee – Chair to be confirmed at Governor meeting 11.10.2023, plus two non staff members of the governing body.

Governors Written Statement of Behaviour Principles

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