Update from Headteacher re: Pupils return to school 5.1.2022, Covid-19 arrangements and attendance procedures
Dear Parents and Carers,
We do hope you have all had a restful break and a nice Christmas and New Year.
Pupils return to school, following the Christmas break, on Wednesday 5th January 2022.
A reminder that Tuesday 4th January is an INSET Day for staff training.
As you will be aware, at Rosehill School, we have been working hard to keep infection rates low. With several different factors affecting infection rates we have reviewed our risk assessment in line with advice from Public Health England and the Department for Education.
If you have any questions about the schools risk assessment or plans outlined below, please contact the school on 0115 9155815. I will continue to provide updates, during the new term.
Covid-19 Arrangements
- Access to the school building is still restricted-please phone school office if you need to speak to a staff member or to arrange an appointment.
- Pupils displaying symptoms MUST NOT attend school until a PCR test has been taken. School must be informed of the outcome of this test before pupils can return. Please also see our attendance procedures below.
- All visitors to the school are required to wear a facemask. This includes where parents and carers are dropping children off and collecting them.
- Enhanced hygiene arrangements remain in place, e.g. increased hand washing and sanitising.
- Updated PHA guidance will be followed in instances of positive cases of Covid-19.
- Where possible, we ask that parents/carers of pupils over 12 years old, to Lateral Flow Test their child twice weekly before attending school. If parents/ carers would like to collect LFT from the school, please arrange this with the school office.
Absence Procedures
Our pupil attendance policy can be found on the school website at https://www.therosehillschool.com/policies-and-legal-documents/ I will be sending home a letter, in the next few weeks, reiterating our procedures, including requests for exceptional leave.
At Rosehill, we are committed to promoting good attendance, which is essential for pupils to achieve their potential. It is very important that your child attends school every day unless of course they are ill or there is another very good reason for them not doing so.
Frequent absences inevitably affect your child’s learning. In addition, information on all absences is automatically transferred to the Local Authority on a regular basis. We also regular contact with the Educational Welfare Team who will follow up on any concerns.
We ask all parents/carers to follow our absence procedures, as follows:
- Parents/Carers are asked to contact school as soon as possible on the 1st day of absence (by 8.00am), giving a reason for your child’s absence, and how long you expect them to be off school.
- Parents/Carers are requested to contact the school by 8.00am each day that their child is absent from school.
If we are unable to contact you to establish the reason for your child’s non-attendance then it will be recorded as an unauthorised absence.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Kind regards
Cheryl Steele, Headteacher