Parents and Carers RSE Workshop
Dear parents and carers,
We would like to invite all parents and carers to the next parent’s mornings on Friday 28th June @ 10.00 – 12.00. This session will be led by Cheryl Steele – Relationships & Sex Education Lead.
This workshop has been designed in response to parents and carers feedback around requests for opportunities to discuss, explore and tackle issues relating to appropriate behaviours, inappropriate touch and puberty. We understand that some issues may be extremely sensitive therefore, the session will be delivered in 2 parts:
- Firstly, a presentation to ensure a shared understanding of the PSHE, RSE and ESafety programme that the school delivers to meet the needs of our pupils
- After coffee we will working in small groups to discuss more sensitive issues relevant to your child’s needs, for example ways for supporting them when out in the community. We will also be exploring the types of resources available to support this
This session will be appropriate for parents and carers of pupils across the school.
We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at this workshop. Please could you complete the reply form attached, just so we have an idea of how many people to expect.
Yours sincerely
Cheryl Steele (Headteacher)