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Rosehill School

"Caring about learning, learning about caring"

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National Thank a Teacher Day 26.5.22

Dear Parents and Carers,


Please join us in celebrating National Thank a Teacher Day Thursday 26th May.


On this day, Rosehill will be celebrating the inspirational work of our wonderful support staff and teachers and at the heart of Rosehill’s community.


As you may have already heard, Thursday 26th May is National Thank a Teacher and Support Staff Day. Last year thousands of children, staff and parents in schools across the UK took part. It was a really lovely day at Rosehill, where staff were thanked for all their hard work and support.


I would like to ensure that we join other schools again this year, in celebrating the positive role of our support staff and teaching team in making Rosehill School a wonderful and happy place for children and young people to learn.


We will be asking the pupils to make this day as special as possible for the staff by taking part in activities and sharing positive and kind feedback and messages with the staff.


Parents are invited to contact the school, or complete the positive comments slips attached to this letter for any specific thank you messages you would like to send to school to share with members of the team/ the whole school community.


On behalf of the whole school community and Governing Body, I would like to send a huge thank you to all our staff team for their hard work, determination and commitment, which continues to make Rosehill outstanding.

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