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Rosehill School

"Caring about learning, learning about caring"

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M&M productions presents The Wizard of Oz

On Friday 5th February, we are pleased to be welcoming M&M productions into school for a virtual pantomime of The Wizard of Oz. This is a very exciting opportunity for us and we are very fortunate to have this fully funded by Happy Days Children's Charity https://www.happydayscharity.org/?gclid=Cj0KCQiA6t6ABhDMARIsAONIYyxnjIYjxY-5PpMek2GiHBapMZecs9pnx6YxIemiAESxBtd4FzPKB9saAj1iEALw_wcB

If your child is learning from home on this day, they will not miss out on this experience, all you need to do is return the consent form to school which was emailed to you last week for us to send you out the link so you can enjoy the show from your own front room!

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