In the event of school closure due to snow
Dear parents and carers,
In the event of school closure due to snow
It is very rare that school is closed due to snow or other adverse weather conditions but in this unlikely event, Rosehill School has put procedures in place to help keep parents and carers well informed.
In the event that school is closed, the relevant details will go directly to the Nottingham City Council. We also put the information onto:
- The school website
- Local radio will also pick up the news from our system – BBC Radio Nottingham
We also aim to use our text message system (school comms) which most parents and carers are signed up to. This provides you with a text message informing you about the situation.
We do appreciate that parents and carers need information as quickly as possible and we will do our very best to ensure that this happens. However, could I politely remind everyone that it will not be possible to contact the school office for information if school is closed.
Please assume that school is OPEN unless you hear otherwise from one of the official sources detailed above.
Many thanks to everyone for your ongoing support.
Kind regards
C Steele
Acting Headteacher