Anti Bullying News
Our anti-bullying work at Rosehill School
Rosehill School seeks to provide a safe, secure and positive environment where children can achieve their potential, making full use of the opportunities available to them, supporting their rights. The school works to ensure these rights are protected by setting up a range of preventative measures and actively listening to children and their parents or carers.
The school categorically believes that bullying is always unacceptable and will not be tolerated, whether committed by young people or by adults. Bullying, by its very nature, excludes pupils from their full entitlement and as inclusive school we build upon a range of strategies that promote and underpin our inclusive ethos.
In the last two years we have worked in partnership with pupils, staff, parents and governors to further develop our anti-bullying work. We have established a Anti-Bullying Policy and culture where we promote Rights Respecting values and Pupil Voice.
Follow this link to view our Anti Bullying Policy that was updated in September 2016.
You can also see some of the work our pupils have completed this year promoting Anti Bullying by following this link.