Rosehill School is committed to a team approach in meeting all our learners’ needs. Our specialist and experienced staff comprise of teachers and teaching assistants who work together with extended teams. These include, Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists and Health Staff. These teams work seamlessly with our staff to enable all learners to access the curriculum as fully as possible.
Chair of Governors - Leadership & Management
Safeguarding/Pupil Premium/SEND
Health and Safety
Quality of Education, Progress & Standards
Vice Chair of Governors - Finance/Personal Development/Policies/Website
Education and SEND
Associate governor
S Harris - Equality & Diversity/ Wellbeing
Community & Wider Engagement
SEND and finance
Headteacher/ DDSL
Deputy Headteacher/ DDSL/ Primary School Phase Leader
Deputy & SENCO/LAC Teacher/Upper Phase Lead
Primary School Phase Leader
Middle School Phase Leader
School Business Manager/DPO
Lead DSL/Family Liaison
Lead DSL/Family Liaison
Attendance & Safeguarding Administrator / Pupil Progress Coordinator
IT Technician
Acting Site Manager