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Caring About Learning, Learning About Caring

  • E-Safety

    Online Safeguarding is an important part of the Rosehill School ethos

    This page will help provide information and advice for pupils and parents about keeping safe online. It will be reviewed and updated in line with our Local Authority’s guidance, Effective E-Safety Practice for Schools, and support the Government’s vision for improving online safety.

    As technology is playing a bigger part in our pupils’ lives and access to uncontrolled internet content is forever on the increase, it is becoming ever more important that we need to keep children safe from online threats through promoting Online Safeguarding. We need to ensure that we are all aware of the risks involved and are safe when using the internet. We will continue to educate our pupils on the importance of safety online via assemblies, information sharing and displays and in class.

    On this page you will find links to some very useful websites, resources and documents which are available for download. These will provide you with information on all you need to know in order to stay safe online and have fun surfing! These resources will hopefully educate pupils and parents on how to improve and maintain the safety of their online presence.

    Please click on the link below to access Rosehill's E-Safety Policy

    E-Safety Day - Whole School Project

    What is 'Safer Internet Day' and how did we take part?

    Safer Internet Day 2024 was celebrated globally on Tuesday 6th February 2024 with the theme ‘Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online'. The focus for activities was based around thinking about changes online, including looking at technology over the years and how smaller changes happen online every day and how we can stay safe online.

    For E-Safety day, all classes were involved in learning about how technology and the internet changes over time. They will explore how changes make them feel, who they can talk to in a range of scenarios and how they can keep themselves safe online.

    At Rosehill, we are committed to equipping all of our pupils with the skills and knowledge to help keep them safe when they are using technology. For further information about e-safety please visit 


    No Mobile Phone Policy

    At Rosehill School we have been working hard to ensure that anyone coming onto the school site respects and follows our no-mobile phone policy in order to safeguard the children and young people attending the school.

    This policy means that no mobile phones can be used in any part of the school, including the front of school and reception area.



    E-Safety Rules

    Useful websites for internet safety

    • Parents and carers - Childnet
      Guide for parents and carers on how to keep children safe on the internet, includes advice and educational resources

    • Internet Matters
      Support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online

    • Thinkuknow
      Advice from the National Crime Agency to stay safe online