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Caring About Learning, Learning About Caring

  • 2017 - 2020

    Save the Children

    Xmas Jumper Day - Staff and pupils wore Christmas jumpers to raise money for Save the Children.

    Save the Children UK


    December 2020

    Christmas Raffle

    Christmas Raffle - Rosehill held a Christmas raffle to raise funds for the school.


    December 2020

    Salvation Army - Toys & Gifts donated to the school

    We would like to say a BIG thank you to The Salvation Army, who have donated toys and gifts to the school as part of their Toy Appeal. These will be sent out to some families within the school who need a little extra help at this time of year. 

    The Salvation Army

    Toys and gifts donated to the school for families at Christmas time

    December 2020

    St Ann's Ward Councillors - Donated advent calendars to the school

    We would like to say a big thank you to the St Ann’s Ward Councillors who kindly donated advent calendars for each child to begin opening on December 1st. 

    Advent Calendars donated to school

    December 2020

    The Goodall Foundation - Money donated to Rosehill


    We would like to say thank you to ‘The Goodall Foundation, for their generous donation of £5,000 toward our Outdoor Learning project. This donation has gone towards the purchase of an Outdoor Learning Classroom, which supports our pupils in a range of experiences, learning and development of their curiosity and problem-solving skills. For more information about The Goodall Foundation, please follow this link:

    £5000 donated to Rosehill School

    November 2020

    Children in Need - Money raised by Rosehill

    Children and staff dressed in yellow, wore Pudsey Bear clothing and also took part in some fun challenges to raise money for Children in Need. 

    BBC Children in Need

    Click here for our fundraising video

    £298.25 raised by the school for Child in Need

    November 2020

    Morrisons - Fruit donation to school


    Morrison's are kindly making regular fruit donations to the school- thank you to Emma for arranging this!


    Fruit donated to the school

    October 2020

    St Ann's Foodbank

    Staff and families were extremely generous during our harvest festival collection of food and essential items this year.

    Pupils worked hard organising and packing items before delivering to the charity, where staff were pleased to see them and grateful for their contribution.

    Thank you to all who supported this great event.

    Food and essential items donated to the  foodbank

    October 2020

    Premier Fencing and Paving - Volunteering at Rosehill

    We would like to say a huge thank you to Premier Fencing for their generous donation of equipment, resources and volunteering to improve our Woodland Walk. Because of your help, we are now able to use this space safely and the students  can once again enjoy outdoor learning. Thank you so much for volunteering, we couldn’t have done it without you!

    Resources to rebuild walkways and develop our Woodland Walk area

    October 2020

    Nottingham City Council & Castle True - Donated an oak tree to Rosehill School


    As part of the celebration of the redevelopments of Nottingham Castle, Nottingham City Council and The Castle Trust are giving every primary school in Nottingham city the chance to plant a Quercus Robus (Sherwood) oak tree.


    Rosehill school are the first school to receive an oak tree!

    1 Oak Tree Donated

    March 2020

    Hope Foundation - Fundraising for Rosehill School



    We would like to say a massive thank you to the ladies and gentlemen from the Hope Foundation who have raised £500 for Rosehill, through hosting coffee mornings throughout the year. The HOPE Foundation regularly raise money for Rosehill, as always it is much appreciated and we have now purchased new art resources. 


    March 2020

    Tracey's Kitchen - Food donation for the Homeless


    Staff and parents donated items and money to help the charity 'Tracey's Kitchen' to support the homeless.


    December 2019

    Save the Children

    Staff and pupils at Rosehill wore Christmas jumpers to raise money for Save the Children.

    Save the Children UK


    December 2019

    Blue Diamond Garden Centre - Donated a Christmas Tree


    The Blue Diamond Garden centre generously donated a real Christmas Tree to the school

    1 Christmas Tree

    December 2019

    Friends of Rosehill

    A member of the local community generously donated to the school


    November 2019

    Tracey's Street Kitchen

    Rosehill did some fundraising for Tracey's Street Kitchen to provide for the homeless


    November 2019

    Christmas Concert Fundraising

    Fundraising during our Christmas Concert.


    November 2019

    Children in Need

    Rosehill pupils and staff fundraised for Children in Need, they dressed up as as Pudsey, or wore spots, had a cake sale and a bring and buy sale


    November 2019

    Young Minds

    Rosehill pupils and staff fundraised for Young Minds through dressing in Yellow  


    October 2019

    Macmillan Coffee Morning

    Rosehill's whole school community fundraised for Macmillan by baking cakes for a cake sale


    September 2019

    Evans Vettori Architects ltd

    Donated to the school for our new Running T-Shirts


    July 2019

    Taal & Saptak Xpress Yourself Dance GroupJune 2019

    Pupils from our Post-16 choir supported a fundraising event for Rosehill


    June 2019

    Hope Foundation, March 2019

    Ladies and gentlemen from the Hope Foundation raised money for Rosehill's playground project


    March 2019

    Transition Fayre

    Donations were made to the school during a Transition Fayre - aimed at preparing young people for adulthood


    February 2019

    Christmas Concert

    Donations were made to the school for the Student Council's playground project


    December 2018

    Christmas Jumper Day

    Everyone came to school in a Christmas jumper, and donated spare change to Save the Children


    December 2018

    Children in Need

    Children dressed up in costumes and played games, raising money for Children in Need


    November 2018

    Macmillan Coffee Morning

    Rosehill's whole school community fundraised for Macmillan by baking cakes for a cake sale


    June 2018

    Celebration Assembly

    Donations were made to the school for the Student Council's playground project


    July 2018

    Stonebridge City Farm

    Class 7 raised money for our local farm by baking cakes and making goods to sell



    Rotary Club

    Our local rotary club donated to Rosehill for our Student Council playground project



    NSPCC Jumper Day

    Everyone came to school in a fun jumper, and donated spare change to Save the Children


    December 2017

    Red Nose Day

    The school held games and events to raise money for Red Nose Day


    March 2017