This week is Children’s Mental Health Week and the theme this year is Know yourself, grow yourself linked to the movie Inside Out.
The aim of this is for children to understand their own emotions in order to grow and achieve.
From Monday 3–Friday 7 February, the entire school will take part in a range of activities linked to the topic, Know yourself, grow yourself. This includes;
- Class mood charts
- Wellbeing activities and games
- Emotions quiz
- Non-uniform day - wearing an outfit that expresses who you are
And lots of other learning experiences.
The more we can understand about ourselves, the more prepared we are to express our emotions and take on life’s ups and downs.
Being self-aware means getting to know and understand what we are good at, what we find difficult, our likes and dislikes, what makes us feel JOY and what may cause us SADNESS. It is also about understanding what makes us unique and our fears, hopes and dreams. As we build a sense of self, we grow in our ability to connect with others, as well as develop our skills and talents.